And now for some cryptozoology...
I knew the sky camera would come in handy. This morning, it managed to catch evidence of Rods flying around my own back garden! ;)

File Under: Rods, Cryptozoology, Webcam.
A geek and his personal weather station.
I knew the sky camera would come in handy. This morning, it managed to catch evidence of Rods flying around my own back garden! ;)
Posted at
Copyright © 2006-2008 Dave Pearson
Seen these on most haunted very strange.
Well, not so much strange as "what's what some insects look like when they fly past a video camera".
Somewhat belated. I once sat through a whole tv programme about 'rods', and remember screaming (metaphorically) 'it's a's a bug...those are insects up close!'. But ofcourse if the programme-makers admitted that (and they never mentioned the possibility once, which is suspicious) they'd have no programme. Still, nice pic you got their of a rod...I mean an insect.
I think I've seen the same programme.
In my case I really did scream "it's a's a bug...those are insects up close!" at the TV.
Interesting shot, and I don't think it's an insect. As to flying rods, they would look something like this, unless this is a long narrow cigar-shaped UFO:
Actually, my mother once saw something that could be described as a flying rod. She was just about to draw the curtains for the night in the living room and glanced outside when she spotted a maybe one-foot-long "stick", as she described, flying a few feet off the ground parallel to the road directly south along our suburban street. The whole thing took only 3-4 seconds. Amazingly, she saw another one a few weeks later on a clear sunny day darting out of nearby woods and pretty high above the neighbourhood houses. So I do believe that rods exist but their purpose may remain unknown to us - are they alien probes, interdimensional creatures or just another form of life existing on this planet and deliberately ingored by our not-so-curious scientists?
Vancouver, Canada
Why don't you think it's an insect? It's pretty obvious that it is.
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